Opportunities don`t just happen, we create them!
Egg Donation Success Rates
PROVEN: Dreams are meant to come true, goals are meant to be met, accomplishments are meant to be enjoyed, and successes are meant to be shared. At LIV Fertility Center we have accomplished so much that it’s difficult to express how proud we are of what we are able to share with the world. Who would have thought that in a small beach town in Mexico, there exists a fertility center who has helped hundreds of families feel the everlasting joy of parenthood? A fertility center that has surpassed even the expectations of its own Medical Team.
LIV Fertility Center in Puerto Vallarta Mexico has become a beacon of hope for many men and women who have received the devastating news of infertility. A place where you can go to find solutions for already existing problems. LIV and its staff are proud to share its success rates, this is proof that what we are doing is working and we need to continue the improvements even more. We cannot stop at just being successful, we must achieve excellence in everything we do, in every patient we see and help. Identifying negative situations and finding solutions is what we do, it has become our strength and we have perfected the art of investigation and medical research.
Why is Egg Donation IVF Mexico so Successful?
To create a healthy baby, you need 3 major ingredients: A Healthy Egg, a Healthy Sperm Cell, and a Healthy Uterus. When one of these is missing or does not have the best quality, we will need a substitute it to have what is needed for a healthy baby. A woman’s egg quality is based on several factors and is an individual circumstance, identified for each individual female. No two woman are alike, and each will be tested to identify her specific status. When it is identified that the egg quality is at fault for the negative results, then the best and probably the only option will be to use donated eggs to create healthy viable Embryos.
- An Embryo created with a low-quality egg, is more than likely not compatible with life.
- An Embryo created with a healthy younger good-quality egg, is likely to implant and develop correctly.
This simple explanation is the key to why a procedure with Donor Eggs has a much higher success rate than when the eggs are from a person who is already facing negative decreases in Hormone Levels and feeling the affects of the aging process. By substituting the eggs, you double or even triple your success rates, don`t be afraid of it, trust it and allow for this to become what you have been searching for.
What is Egg Donation IVF Mexico?
Egg Donation is the process of an anonymous female (donor) providing healthy Eggs/Oocyst to another female (receptor) to achieve a pregnancy. The possibility of women in their 40s conceiving a child with their own Eggs is near impossible, so the dream of motherhood would normally be forgotten. By using Donor Eggs however, we can now extend the pregnancy age to 49 or even 50 years, under the right circumstances.
There are several reasons to use Donor Eggs, some can be medical and others personal, such as a diagnosed medical condition or to avoid passing down a known genetic abnormality. If you have been diagnosed with a genetic issue that you would like to avoid passing on to your children, you have the option to use Donor Eggs so that this trait can be halted. Please let us know if this is the case so we can also evaluate the option of PTG-M Genetic Testing to avoid the passing on of the trait.
How does Egg Donation IVF Mexico work?
Fear kills dreams, doubt loses valuable time, and overthinking leads to wrong decisions. We always want to be 100% sure of what to do, but sometimes we just need to take a leap of faith.
Egg Donation IVF Mexico is an anonymous program where a female (donor) will donate her Eggs to a receptor, there will be no personal information provided to any of the participants. There will be photos and medical records provided, however, due to privacy laws and policies in IVF Mexico, personal information of all parties involved will be protected and kept private. The donor and the receptor will not be allowed to meet one another. There is no ID option in Mexico, so when choosing a donor, you can rest assured that there will be no risk of future issues. The results of the donation will also be kept private and secret.
Who Needs Egg Donation IVF Mexico?
Identifying the need to use donor eggs is the responsibility of your healthcare provider or gynecologist. This can either be LIV Medical Team, or you may have already been given the diagnosis by your own personal medical team. Either way, there must be a few tests performed to identify if Egg Donation IVF Mexico is the correct option for your procedure. If you already have these test, please send them to our Journey Coordinator so they can evaluate the situation and then give you their professional opinion. You will be surprised on how common using donor eggs has become.
Reasons for requiring Egg Donation:
- Menopause: Advanced maternal age
- Ovarian Failure
- Low AMH: Poor Egg or Embryo Quality
- History of miscarriages or failed pregnancies.
- Diminished Ovarian Reserve
- Genetic Abnormality in Intended Parent
- Absence of Ovaries
- Previous surgeries on Ovaries
- Effects from cancel or chemotherapy
Life can sometimes be unfair, so let us help level the playing field so that you too can have the opportunity of reaching the incredible happiness that a child can bring. We would be proud to add you to our success rates, our testimonials, or our Wall of Success. Give us a chance to prove to you and ourselves that we are the best place for men and women in need. By challenging our potential, we are striving for excellence, by finding solutions to difficult issues, we are proving to ourselves that we were meant to do this. One patient at a time, we are accomplishing wonderful things at LIV Fertility Center, let us add you to the success that we love to share.
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