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Egg Retrieval – IVF Mexico

If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things.

Egg Retrieval – IVF Mexico

If you want happiness, fulfillment, success, and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things.

ACHIEVEMENTS: It is said that life imitates art, well, if you watch a lot of science fiction movies then you would think that the future has arrived. Reproductive Medicine has become so advanced that it is simply amazing what can be created in a laboratory. Working with microscopic material and creating life from a woman’s Egg and a man`s Sperm Cell, is just simply out of this world incredible.  

Although limitations in Reproductive Medicine exist, we have still been able to accomplish amazing things at LIV Fertility Center with what is within our reach. Advancements so far have been amazing, and they will continue to improve as technology advances, we would recommend that you take advantage of what is currently available and not waste valuable time. An Egg Retrieval Mexico is a complicated process and because of the technology we have available at LIV Fertility Center, our expert Reproductive Endocrinologist and our Embryologist can demonstrate their potential and perform state-of-the-art procedures that were impossible just a few years ago

The LIV Fertility team has developed a program that allows you to feel comfortable and confident during each step of your journey.

What is an Egg Retrieval Mexico?

It is the process in which one of our specialists, after about 12-13 days of ovarian stimulation, collects the patient’s eggs using a special needle guided by a transvaginal ultrasound. Of course, the patient will be under sedation during the entire procedure, so she will not feel pain after the puncture.

How long does the Egg Retrieval process take?

The time needed to retrieve the Eggs from the Follicles will depend on how many follicles developed, and if the Ovaries are in an accessible position. The higher the number of mature follicles, the longer the time invested in the process. This can take around 30 minutes. There is a recovery period so please schedule the entire day around this process.  

Ovarian Stimulation Process

The Egg Retrieval, for any female performing an IVF Mexico, will be performed when the Medical Specialist has determined that the Follicular Development has reached maturity. There is a specific size the follicle must grow for it to be considered mature and be able to be retrieved. An important fact to consider is that even though there are maturing Follicles, does not necessarily mean that there is an actual Egg within the Follicle. A lot of the time the Follicle will respond to the Stimulation Medication but will not produce or create an Egg.

There are important quality factors that must be considered when performing an Ovarian Stimulation.

No response to the Stimulation Medication:

It is very common that women do not respond to the hormone treatments that are meant to create Eggs, this can be caused by a specific identifiable fertility issue that would have been encountered prior to the IVF Mexico.

Low Response to the Stimulation Medication:

When the body is not able to process the medication correctly, the result is seen in the Ovaries or the Eggs that are retrieved.


Good response but low-quality Eggs:

When there is a good stimulation and a good Egg Retrieval, the Eggs are then fertilized via ICSI Fertilization, this is the moment of truth, where we see the development of the Embryos and the quality of the baby being created.


There will be abnormalities identified that will cause for the Embryos to be discarded due to non-compatibility to life or other health issues they may have. Our Embryologist will make the decision of continuing the development or discarding of the Bad Quality Embryos.



Not only can the Ovaries underperform, but they can also overperform. When the Ovaries respond too much to the Stimulation Medication, this can cause a process known as Hyperstimulation. This is when the Ovaries are stretched to their limits and there are too many Follicles developing.


All IVF Mexico or Egg Donation IVF Mexico treatments progress in stages, each stage will give the indications for the next one. Depending on the results of the stages will the progress be identified.

 We have become experts in anticipating the negative issues that are likely to arise when performing a fertility treatment. All we ask is that you place your trust in LIV Fertility Center so that we can show you that we are the best and well equipped to handle anything that life throws our way.

Step by Step Analysis – EGG RETREIVAL MEXICO

Step 1: Consultation with your personal Journey Coordinator and LIV Medical Coordinator

The first step is to contact your Journey Coordinator, she or he will provide the information you need to decide if Egg Cryopreservation is the right treatment for you. Subsequently, your coordinator will schedule a remote consultation with the Medical Coordinator who will give you recommendations and go into detail about your case and diagnosis.

Step 2: Prepare your visit

Patient Intake is our department specialized in preparing patients coming from abroad. You will be assigned to a personal Patient Intake Coordinator who will help you complete the requirements that the Medical Coordinator has requested on the first remote consultation.

Step 3: Start Treatment at LIV Fertility Center

Your first appointment at LIV Fertility Center will take place within the first few days of your period, to be more precise on cycle day 1, 2 or 3.

On consultation, the specialists will perform an evaluation of your ovaries by a Transvaginal Ultrasound and will calculate the dosage of ovarian stimulation


Step 4: Egg Retrieval

This is the expected moment. After approximately 12-13 days of injections (ovarian stimulation) the specialist doctor will collect your eggs through a delicate procedure.

The way the doctor collects your eggs is through a needle guided by a transvaginal ultrasound. You will be under sedation, that is, you will be asleep and feel no pain. The procedure lasts 30 minutes, you will be in the recovery room for a couple of hours and then you can rest in your hotel. We suggest resting at list 24 hours before going back home.

Step 5: Ready to go

Once the Egg Retrieval has been performed, you will be given a report mentioning the number of Follicles that were punctured and the number of Eggs that were retrieved. On this stage, your eggs are ready to be cryopreserved or fertilized.

Medical Information

Medically Reviewed by
LIV FC Medical experts:

Dr. Isabel Suarez, M.D. 11949425 / 11949425
Dr. Aline Garcia, M.D. 11782123 / 13012022

Mexican Surgeon medical
Mexican Gynecology and Obstetrics
Mexican Biology Certificate of Human Reproduction

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