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Fertility Laws Mexico

LEGALITIES. Fertility treatment can be a minefield of legal and ethical issues varying from country to country. Many different aspects of the processes used in fertility treatment are regulated, and you will find that something that is permissible in one country may be banned in another.

fertility-laws One of the leading fertility tourism hot-spots today is Mexico. Mexico does not have specific laws which restrict or prohibit In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments, egg donation, gender selection or sperm donation.

Fertility Law Organizations

REDLARA (Red Latinoamericana de Reproducción Asistida ) is the RED – Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction. It is a scientific and educational institution, which brings together more than 90 percent of the centers engaged in assisted reproduction techniques in Latin America.

CENATRA (Centro Nacional de Transplantes) is Directory of State Councils and Centers for Transplantation and Hospitals Licensed to perform transplants.  TIPS:  The entities of the Mexican Republic are integrated into the National Subsystem of Donation and Transplants through the creation of State Transplant Councils. Each COETRA is a collegiate body in charge of proposing and supporting actions in the field of transplants carried out by health institutions in the public, social and private sectors.  STATE TRANSPLANT CENTERS:  It is the representation established by the governments of the federal entities responsible for meeting the guidelines issued by the National Transplant Center.

COFEPRIS is The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS) is a decentralized organ of the Department of Health with technical, administrative and operational autonomy, whose mission is to protect the population against sanitary risks, through sanitary regulation, control and promotion under a single command, which provides unity and homogeneity to the policies which are determined. At the COFEPRIS, the scope previously attributed to sanitary regulation, control and promotion was enlarged and transformed from an instrumental policy into a public policy by objective; that is, it went from being a medium to becoming the social purpose of the latter, including other non regulative instruments, with the intention of preserving more efficiently the population’s health.

IVF Guidelines in Mexico

The use of donor sperm and eggs.

The usage of gametes is regulated by the General Law of Health in Mexico and the National Center of Transplants (CENATRA), the Directory of State Councils and Centers for Transplantation and Hospitals Licensed to perform transplants.

Sperm, Eggs and Embryo donations.

Sperm, egg, and embryo donations in Mexico are governed by the principles of Altruism, no profit and feasibility.

Gender Selection and Genetic Screening.

In Mexico, Gender Selection and Genetic Screening are allowed. It is a very popular technique in Mexico as it allows Intended Parents to prevent genetic diseases and also to select the gender of their babies, allowing for family balancing.

Medical Information

Medically Reviewed by
LIV FC Medical experts:

Kitzya Lopez, MD
Gynecology Obstetrics
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility,
Licenses: 11829505 / 14085388

Karla Martin del Campo, BS, MSc.
Bachelor in Science, Master in Science in Reproductive Biology and
Human Assisted Reproduction Techniques
License: 8873346

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